Door Builder Canada

Door Builder Canada

Tower 3
Tower 3
Tower 3
Tower 3
Tower 3
Tower 3
Tower 3
Our line of premium fiberglass doors comes standard with 3mm fiberglass skins, a reinforced internal LVL structure, and high-density foam. Our routering capabilities on these doors are limitless due to our sophisticated machinery and experienced engineers. These designs come in Mahogany, Maple, Oak, and Smooth textures. We can paint or stain in any color you can imagine. Add this design to your door or you can choose to alter it for a more custom look. Choosing a wider or taller door will keep the design but change the proportions according to the slab size.


79" - 95"


28" · 30" · 32" · 34" · 36" · 38" · 40" · 42" · 46" · 48"
